The Ladies’ mission is to perform spiritual and corporeal works which respond to the needs of the Church and community. Working at the request of the Pastor, the Ladies work together to plan and execute projects promoting spiritual growth and awareness, enhancing fellowship in the parish, and addressing some of the social needs of the parish and community.


Membership – Membership is open to all parish women over the age of eighteen years.

The organization consists of a) General Members and b) Administrative Members: Spokesperson, Bookkeeper and Recorder.

Specialized ministries may be adopted and/or suspended within the group as needed.

Dues: To help achieve the goals of the group, annual dues in the amount of $5.00 are payable by October 31st each year.


  • Meet the needs of our Parish and extended community through personal service and financial donations.

  • Support the Ministry’s work through fundraising activities.

  • Prepare a regular calendar of events as requested by the Pastor.

  • Increase the participation of women in the Parish in the Ministry’s activities, particularly focusing on greater involvement of younger women in the Parish.

  • Search for and undertake projects that will foster fellowship and spiritual growth in the community.