Prayer Requests

Please pray for God’s Healing Grace for:
Jim, Tim, Joan C., Linda D., Nancy E., Ann Marie, Wendy deWolf, Justin & Kayla S., Tracy, Kris, Sarah S., Jim S., John H., Joseph K., Ed H., Kristen, Rebecca, Stella M., Nadine Dwyer, George Dwyer, Maurice LeBlanc, Helen G., Bill M., Rick Sr., Joseph Giardina, Carol Vinniti, Sharon Foley, Lindsey P., Joseph Connors, Joe C.

“Pray without ceasing” (1Th 5:15)
As a parish family we are honored to pray for your specific needs.
Please contact the parish office by email ( or call the parish office (401-438-3230).

Eagle Scout Project

Assisting the Homeless

Parishioner Daniel Rogers is working on his Eagle Scout project of creating kits for the unhoused, to keep them safe this summer. He has asked our parish family to assist him with donating new/unused of the following items:

  • Baseball or bucket hats

  • Simple reusable water bottles (no larger than 24 oz..)

  • Lip balm

  • Tubes of Aloe vera or skin lotion (no more larger than 8 oz.)

  • Sunscreen (no larger than 8 oz.)

  • White socks

A box will be placed in the main church entrance to collect donations for the next three weeks. Daniel is hoping to put together as many kits as possible, with a plan to distribute the kits at Kennedy Plaza in early June. Please contact him with any questions, [email protected]

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Catholic Relief Services

On February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated large areas of central Turkey and northwest Syria. The death toll has surpassed 36,000 and continues to climb. The earthquake is the worst to strike Turkey this century. Later that day, the region experienced a second magnitude 7.7 quake.

Catholic Relief Services will support emergency relief efforts led by local partners in both Syria and Turkey with Caritas Turkey, Caritas Syria in Aleppo and Lattakia—where extensive damage has been reported—and other local partners. Already in Turkey, Caritas Anatolia, in coordination with authorities, is bringing displaced people to safe, open spaces and distributing hot meals and clothing.

To donate, please visit:

Kidney Donor Needed

Friend of St. Margaret Parish, Sharon Foley is in need of a kidney.

If you are 18 or older, are in good mental and physical health, and have normal kidney function, YOU could help save a life:

Please visit: -OR- Facebook: SharonNeedsAKidney

Contact Sharon at: [email protected] or call Rhode Island Hospital Transplant Center For the Living Donor 888-444-0102